Wood pests can easily destroy entire buildings, not to mention turning furniture to dust. The following methods are used to control these wood pests:
- Chemical - treatment with various organic or non-organic chemicals found in solid, liquid, or simply gaseous state;
- Thermal – the destruction of insects by both high and low temperatures;
- Microwave technology as a method of controlling woodboring beetles
The vast range and ongoing updates in the pesticide industry have rendered insects immune to the poison. The use of chemicals is likely to make woodworms immune to insecticides. However, the chemicals are only effective in the surface layers of the wood. Existing standards confirm that there is no effective chemical for killing woodworms. According to the guidelines, if some section of wood is affected by mould or bark beetle, such a
wood part should be cut out and then burnt. A new metal prosthesis should be inserted in the place of the cut-out part.
Gas disinfestation is a rather time-consuming and costly procedure that requires thorough and painstaking preparation as well as protection of the workers involved. Also, this procedure can only be carried out at the appropriate ambient temperature, which means that gas disinfection cannot occur in winter, during the off-season or in poorly heated houses. Once again, it does not give 100% results.
It should be stressed that such
chemicals are extremely toxic to humans and warm-blooded animals.